Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(2), 21-27, 2024
Alternative obligations under the perspective of the ecuadorian civil code
Las obligaciones alternativas bajo la perspectiva del código
civil ecuatoriano
Edgar Paúl Zúñiga-Hurtado
Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Milagro, Guayas Ecuador
Narcisa-de-Jesús Hurtado-Macías
Red de Investigación Koinonía. Milagro, Guayas Ecuador
The aim of the research is to analyse alternative obligations from the perspective of the
Ecuadorian Civil Code. By means of a descriptive research approach with a bibliographic
design. Alternative obligations represent a modality of performance in which the debtor is
entitled to choose between several benefits to fulfil his obligation. These obligations are
regulated in the Ecuadorian Civil Code and present specific characteristics such as the plurality
of benefits and the creditor's powers. There are different classifications of alternative
obligations, such as simple, optional and conjunctive, each with its particularities regarding
performance and non-performance. As to the manner of performance, the obligor may perform
by his choice, the obligee's choice or by agreement between the parties. On the other hand,
non-performance of the alternative obligations may occur due to the obligor's lack of choice, due
to supervening impossibility or due to the obligor's fault.
Descriptors: legislation; natural law; law enforcement. (Source: UNESCO Thesaurus).
La investigación tiene por objetivo analizar las obligaciones alternativas bajo la perspectiva del
código civil ecuatoriano. Mediante un enfoque de investigación descriptiva con un diseño
bibliográfico. Las obligaciones alternativas representan una modalidad de cumplimiento en la
cual el deudor está facultado para elegir entre varias prestaciones para cumplir con su
obligación. Estas obligaciones se regulan en el Código Civil Ecuatoriano y presentan
características específicas como la pluralidad de prestaciones y las facultades del acreedor.
Existen distintas clasificaciones de las obligaciones alternativas, tales como las simples,
facultativas y conjuntivas, cada una con sus particularidades en cuanto al cumplimiento y al
incumplimiento. En cuanto a la forma de cumplir, el deudor puede hacerlo mediante su
elección, la elección del acreedor o por acuerdo entre las partes. Por otro lado, el
incumplimiento de las obligaciones alternativas puede ocurrir por falta de elección del deudor,
por imposibilidad sobrevenida o por culpa del deudor.
Descriptores: legislación; derecho natural; aplicación de la ley. (Fuente: Tesauro UNESCO).
Received: 24/02/2024. Revised: 28/02/2024. Approved: 27/03/2024. Published: 01/04/2024.
Research articles section
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 21-27, 2024
Las obligaciones alternativas bajo la perspectiva del código civil ecuatoriano
Alternative obligations under the perspective of the ecuadorian civil code
Edgar Paúl Zúñiga-Hurtado
Narcisa-de-Jesús Hurtado-Macías
In this section, the definition and characteristics of alternative obligations will be dealt with
comprehensively. These obligations are distinguished by the fact that the obligor is obliged to
perform an obligation, but has several options available to carry it out. During the analysis, the
fundamental elements that make up these obligations will be examined in depth, highlighting in
particular their highly flexible nature and their capacity to adapt to the particular circumstances
of each case. In addition, all the characteristics and qualities of these alternative obligations will
be thoroughly examined, providing a complete and exhaustive vision of their operation and
applicability in the legal sphere.
To this end, the criteria and elements that determine the existence and validity of these
obligations will be analysed in detail, as well as the legal consequences that derive from their
compliance or non-compliance. In short, this detailed analysis of alternative obligations will offer
a comprehensive and solid understanding of this important area of law, providing readers with
the necessary tools to adequately face any situation involving this type of obligations. In
addition, the historical and evolutionary aspects of alternative obligations will be addressed,
analysing their origin and development over time. The different legal systems in which these
obligations are recognised will be examined, highlighting the peculiarities of each one. It will
also study how alternative obligations are handled in the international sphere, paying attention
to the treaties and conventions that regulate this subject.
This analysis will allow us to understand the evolution and changes that these obligations have
undergone throughout history, as well as their value and relevance in the global context.
Furthermore, the effects and consequences of alternative obligations on legal relations will be
discussed in depth. The impact of the debtor's choice of a particular option and how it affects
the rights and obligations of the parties involved will be examined. It will also analyse the legal
mechanisms available to resolve disputes and controversies related to these obligations,
considering aspects such as the interpretation of contracts, competent jurisdiction and
alternative dispute resolution methods. This analysis will provide a more comprehensive
understanding of the implications and repercussions of alternative obligations in the legal
In terms of case law, an exhaustive analysis will be made of the judgments and court decisions
that have dealt with cases related to alternative obligations. The arguments presented by the
parties and how the courts have interpreted and applied the current legislation will be evaluated,
considering different legal systems and legal contexts. This will provide a practical and concrete
insight into how such situations are dealt with and resolved in practice, as well as the evolution
of judicial interpretation in relation to alternative obligations. In addition, the economic and
commercial implications of alternative obligations will be explored.
It will analyse how these obligations can influence business decision making and how they are
handled in commercial contracts, considering aspects such as contractual risk, efficient
allocation of resources and negotiation strategies. The risks and benefits associated with such
obligations will be examined, as well as the strategies used by firms to minimise these risks.
This will provide an understanding of the importance and relevance of alternative obligations in
the economic and commercial environment.
Based on the above, the research aims to analyse alternative obligations from the perspective
of the Ecuadorian Civil Code.
In order to address the issue of alternative obligations in the Ecuadorian Civil Code, a
descriptive research approach with a bibliographic design has been chosen. This method is
based on the exhaustive analysis of primary and secondary sources relevant to the Ecuadorian
legal sphere, such as the Civil Code itself, relevant jurisprudence, legal treatises, academic
articles and other specialised publications.
The research process has been developed in three interrelated phases:
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 21-27, 2024
Las obligaciones alternativas bajo la perspectiva del código civil ecuatoriano
Alternative obligations under the perspective of the ecuadorian civil code
Edgar Paúl Zúñiga-Hurtado
Narcisa-de-Jesús Hurtado-Macías
In the first phase, an exhaustive and systematic search for relevant information on Alternative
Obligations in the context of the Ecuadorian Civil Code was carried out. Thirteen reliable and
updated sources were selected that addressed both theoretical and practical aspects of this
In the second phase, a detailed and rigorous analysis of the different concepts, principles and
regulations related to alternative obligations was carried out. This analysis was carried out from
an analytical-synthetic perspective, which made it possible to break down the information into
key elements, identify patterns and relationships, and synthesise the findings in a coherent and
comprehensible manner.
In the third part, the results obtained from the analysis were interpreted and the corresponding
section of the scientific article was drafted. Academic writing tools were used to structure the
information in a clear, coherent and argumentative way, in order to present the findings in an
accessible and convincing way for the demanding audience to whom the article is addressed.
This analytical-synthetic method has allowed for an in-depth study of alternative obligations
within the framework of the Ecuadorian Civil Code, providing a solid basis for the understanding
and critical analysis of this important legal institution.
Based on the material scrutinised, the results of the research are presented:
Legal framework in the Ecuadorian civil code
The legal framework of the Ecuadorian Civil Code establishes the specific bases and
regulations governing alternative obligations in the country. This section will examine in detail
the numerous relevant articles of the code that define and regulate this type of obligations,
highlighting their importance in the Ecuadorian legal landscape. In addition, it will address the
most common alternative obligations in Ecuadorian law, providing concrete examples and
analysing their application in various legal scenarios. It will also underline the relevance of
rigorously complying with these rules to ensure absolute legal certainty in contractual relations,
as alternative obligations play a vital role in the preservation of fairness and compliance with the
agreements established between the parties (Martínez-Almeida, 2023).
As a consequence of their broad transcendence and their close relationship with the exercise of
citizens' rights and duties, it is essential to fully understand the normative and jurisprudential
framework surrounding alternative obligations in Ecuador. In this way, individuals and entities
will be able to act responsibly, avoid conflicts and contribute to the strengthening of the legal
environment in the country. In this sense, reforms and modifications have been introduced that
have contributed to the updating and modernisation of the rules governing alternative
obligations (Jácome-Aguirre et al. 2023).
These modifications have been the result of a process of analysis and deliberation carried out
by legal experts, who have taken into account the demands and perspectives of the legal
community and society in general. It is also relevant to highlight that alternative obligations
represent a flexible legal tool that allows the parties involved in a contract to establish different
options for fulfilling their commitments. This means that, in case of non-compliance with one of
the options, the other option can be executed to guarantee the fulfilment of the obligation
(González-Pesántes, 2017). This feature of alternative obligations provides the parties with
greater security and flexibility in the management of their contractual obligations (López-Díaz,
On the other hand, it is essential to mention that alternative obligations are not infinite, but must
be limited and clearly and precisely defined in the corresponding contract. This implies that the
parties must establish which options are available for the performance of the obligation and how
their performance should be assessed. These aspects should be considered and drafted in a
detailed and precise manner in the contract, in order to avoid ambiguities, conflicts and possible
divergent interpretations in the future. Additionally, it is necessary to remember that the
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 21-27, 2024
Las obligaciones alternativas bajo la perspectiva del código civil ecuatoriano
Alternative obligations under the perspective of the ecuadorian civil code
Edgar Paúl Zúñiga-Hurtado
Narcisa-de-Jesús Hurtado-Macías
performance of alternative obligations must be carried out in good faith, that is, in an honest and
loyal manner (Hinestrosa, 2019).
This implies that the parties must act diligently and responsibly to comply with the provisions of
the contract, avoiding any act or procedure that could unfairly prejudice the counterparty. Good
faith is considered a fundamental principle in the field of alternative obligations and its
application contributes to maintaining a climate of trust and mutual respect between the parties
(Schopf-Olea, 2018). In conclusion, alternative obligations occupy a relevant and very important
place in the Ecuadorian legal and juridical framework. Their regulation and proper
implementation are essential to ensure legal certainty, fairness and compliance with the
agreements established between the parties (Zúñiga-Hurtado & Hurtado-Macías, 2023).
It is essential to fully understand the bases and regulations that govern them, as well as to act
responsibly and in good faith in their compliance. In this way, the country's legal environment
can be strengthened and consolidated, promoting justice and respect for citizens' rights and
duties. Only by doing so will it be possible to achieve a sound legal system that benefits society
as a whole and promotes confidence and economic development. All citizens must be aware of
the importance of these obligations and take appropriate measures to fulfil them effectively. This
is the only way to ensure a favourable legal environment and a fair and equitable society.
Characteristics of alternative obligations
Alternative obligations are characterised by the fact that they offer the possibility of fulfilling an
obligation through the performance of two or more different obligations. These performances
may be of a different nature or have different degrees of performance, which broadens the
options available to the obligor. In addition, these obligations allow the obligor to have a choice
between the different performances, which gives the obligor greater flexibility to perform its
obligation according to its individual needs or preferences. On the other hand, the obligee also
has certain powers in relation to alternative obligations. For example, the obligee has the ability
to demand performance of one of the benefits offered by the obligor.
In some cases, the obligee can even demand performance of all performances in certain
specific circumstances. This additional power gives the obligee greater control over how the
obligation is performed and gives the obligee the possibility to select the performance that best
suits its own needs or preferences, alternative obligations have advantages for both the obligor
and the obligee. The obligor can adapt the performance of his obligation according to his
personal circumstances, while the obligee has the possibility to select the performance that best
suits him. These characteristics make alternative obligations an option to consider in certain
contracts and transactions, as they allow for greater flexibility and customisation in the
performance of obligations (Rojas-Ulloa, 2022).
Moreover, by providing the option to choose between different performances, they encourage
negotiation and mutual agreement, thus strengthening the relationship between both parties.
Alternative obligations can also promote economic efficiency by allowing parties to adjust to
changing circumstances and take advantage of opportunities that might not be possible with
rigid, one-size-fits-all obligations. Finally, such obligations can be particularly useful in cases
where the needs and preferences of both parties are varied and do not fit into a single type of
performance. In summary, alternative obligations offer a flexible and adaptive framework for the
performance of obligations, which can be beneficial for both the obligor and the obligee in
various contexts and situations (Porfírio-de--Lima, 2023) (Mera-Gómez & Jaramillo-León,
2022); based on the above, the characteristics of alternative obligations are summarised:
Plurality of benefits: One of the characteristics of alternative obligations is the existence of a
plurality of performances, i.e. the obligor is obliged to perform two or more different actions in
order to fulfil its obligation. These performances may be of a different nature, for example, to
deliver a sum of money or to perform a certain work. The plurality of performances provides the
obligor with options for performing its obligation, which may result in greater flexibility and
adaptability to changing circumstances. However, it is important to note that the obligor is only
obliged to perform one performance, not all (Rosales, 2019).
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 21-27, 2024
Las obligaciones alternativas bajo la perspectiva del código civil ecuatoriano
Alternative obligations under the perspective of the ecuadorian civil code
Edgar Paúl Zúñiga-Hurtado
Narcisa-de-Jesús Hurtado-Macías
Choice on the part of the obligor: In alternative obligations, the obligor has the power to
choose which of the performances it will make in order to fulfil its obligation. This choice is
subject to certain conditions and limits established in the contract or in the law. The obligor must
exercise its choice in good faith and within the prescribed time limits. However, it is important to
mention that if the obligor does not make the choice within the stipulated time limit, he will be
deemed to have chosen the performance that is least burdensome for him. The possibility of
choice on the part of the obligor provides flexibility and makes it possible to adapt the
performance of the obligation to its particular needs and circumstances (Goldenberg-Serrano,
Creditor's powers: The creditor in alternative obligations has certain powers in relation to the
debtor's performance of the obligation. The obligee may demand performance of one of the
performances offered by the obligor, provided that this choice is permitted by contract or by law.
In addition, in certain cases, the obligee may be entitled to require performance of all the
obligations. However, this power is subject to certain conditions and limitations laid down in the
contract or by law. The exercise of these powers by the obligee aims to ensure the performance
of the obligation and to protect its interests (Barcia-Lehmann & Rivera-Restrepo, 2019).
Alternative obligations represent a modality of performance in which the obligor is entitled to
choose between several performances to fulfil its obligation. These obligations are regulated in
the Ecuadorian Civil Code and present specific characteristics such as the plurality of benefits
and the creditor's powers. There are different classifications of alternative obligations, such as
simple, optional and conjunctive, each one with its particularities regarding performance and
non-performance. As to the manner of performance, the obligor may perform by his choice, the
obligee's choice or by agreement between the parties. On the other hand, non-performance of
the alternative obligations may occur due to the obligor's lack of choice, due to supervening
impossibility or due to the obligor's fault. Finally, these obligations are extinguished when one of
the performances is fulfilled, when it is impossible to fulfil all the performances or by termination
of the contract. Alternative obligations are a relevant topic in the legal field and it is important to
understand their implications for the proper performance of contractual obligations.
There is no conflict of interest with persons or institutions involved in the research.
To the jurists involved in the civil code.
Barcia-Lehmann, Rodrigo, & Rivera-Restrepo, José Maximiliano. (2019). El derecho de opción
del acreedor ante el incumplimiento contractual en el Derecho de remedios europeo
[The option of the creditor before the breach of contract in the European Remedies
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Goldenberg-Serrano, Juan Luis. (2019). ¿Existe un deber del deudor de conocer e informar su
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Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 21-27, 2024
Las obligaciones alternativas bajo la perspectiva del código civil ecuatoriano
Alternative obligations under the perspective of the ecuadorian civil code
Edgar Paúl Zúñiga-Hurtado
Narcisa-de-Jesús Hurtado-Macías
Hinestrosa, Fernando. (2019). Notas sobre la responsabilidad por incumplimiento de las
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Zúñiga-Hurtado, Edgar Paúl, & Hurtado-Macías, Narcisa-de-Jesús. (2023). La acción rescisoria
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Copyright: 2024 By the authors. This article is open access and distributed under the terms and conditions of
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