Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(2), 35-44, 2024
Protective environments in strengthening parenting practices and
children's holistic development
Entornos protectores en el fortalecimiento de las prácticas parentales y
desarrollo integral de niños
Wendy Annunziatta Vera-Cedeño
Universidad Casa Grande, Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador
The current research aims to propose a training plan for parents, focused on the promotion of
quality protective environments for the strengthening of parental practices that contribute to the
integral development of 4 year old children at the Centro de Educación Inicial Fiscal Augusta
Ugalde Alcívar (CEIFAUA) in the city of Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador. The study was descriptive
with a non-experimental design and feasible project modality. The activities aimed at achieving
the results envisaged in the proposal, will require a deepening in new fields of teaching work, in
order to execute them in a responsible manner, and if desired, measure the real impact on the
collective, and finally, to promote the expected change in early education in the local and
national context, as a way of complying with the postulates of the Constitution of the Republic of
Descriptors: family; family law; population education. (Source: UNESCO Thesaurus).
La actual investigación tiene objetivo proponer un plan de formación para padres, enfocado en
la promoción de entornos protectores de calidad para el fortalecimiento de prácticas parentales
que contribuyan al desarrollo integral de los niños de 4 años del Centro de Educación Inicial
Fiscal Augusta Ugalde Alcívar (CEIFAUA) de la ciudad de Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador. De tipo
descriptiva con diseño no experimental y modalidad proyecto factible. Las actividades
orientadas a la concreción de los resultados previstos en la propuesta, demandarán profundizar
en nuevos campos del quehacer docente, para así de manera responsable, ejecutarlas, y si se
quiere, medir el verdadero impacto que en el colectivo genere, y por último, promover ese
cambio esperado en la educación inicial en el contexto local y nacional, como una forma de
cumplir con los postulados de la Constitución de la República del Ecuador.
Descriptores: familia; derecho de la familia; educación a la vida familiar. (Fuente: Tesauro
Received: 24/02/2024. Revised: 28/02/2024. Approved: 27/03/2024. Published: 01/04/2024.
Research articles section
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 35-44, 2024
Entornos protectores en el fortalecimiento de las prácticas parentales y desarrollo integral de niños
Protective environments in strengthening parenting practices and children's holistic development
Wendy Annunziatta Vera-Cedeño
The family has been and continues to be the first place where children develop, where they
acquire their first skills, learning, values, and establish their first and most important interactions.
In this environment, children develop physically, socially and emotionally; in other words, it is
families that have a direct impact on the formative processes of children (Scorsolini-Comin,
2022). Therefore, the family is the ideal space for the personal, social and intellectual
development of children and is called upon to prevent them from risks (Ramos-Morcillo et al.
2019). In the same vein, Bronfenbrenner's systemic ecological model emphasises the
importance of the social context, as the family is the most relevant micro-system for children
and has a direct impact on their development (El Zaatari & Maalouf, 2022).
Over the last decades, the family has been influenced by a number of social, economic, cultural,
health, legal and technological changes; a fact that places parents in front of a great
responsibility and challenge (Ayika et al. 2018). For this reason, positive parenting programmes
are becoming important events in the governments of developed countries, where the
importance of the role of the family and the need for parents to have sufficient support to fulfil
the work involved in raising children is taken into account (Prime et al. 2023), (Cullum et al.
2022), (Jeong et al. 2021).
In the member states of the Council of Europe, there are various governmental parental
education programmes that aim to encourage positive parenting, events that can help parents
become more aware of the nature of their role. In Latin American countries, this type of
programme, which could strengthen family nuclei and affirm the full fulfilment of the parental role
in the integral development of children, is still not widely recognised (Torío-López et al. 2019),
(Torío-López, 2019).
In Ecuador, initial education, in accordance with the provisions of Article 27 of the Organic Law
on Intercultural Education, is divided into two sub-levels: sub-level 1 and sub-level 2. The latter
is the first stage of formal education, which, despite not being compulsory, becomes the
beginning of the school cycle attended by children aged 3 to 5 years, and therefore, this
environment is incorporated into the new context of the children. During this period, it is not
only the children who enter a different world, but also their parents, many of whom are first-time
parents who have different expectations and questions regarding education and their roles in it
(Chumaña-Suquillo, 2022).
As mentioned, it is the parents who are responsible for ensuring their children's right to
education, in addition to offering all parental care related to the different variables related to
integral development; However, it is striking that not all families fully comply with the
commitment they make when the child enters the educational institution, a situation that is
evidenced by irregular and unjustified attendance (children's daily attendance record), children
with violent or impulsive attitudes (direct observation), inadequate food (school lunch box), poor
routine habits (children falling asleep during the school day), among other facts, which reveal or
could highlight the need for parents to receive support and guidance to promote parental
responsibility as a way to achieve the realisation of children's rights and to foster the integral
development and wellbeing of children. Taking into account that factors in today's society such
as family interaction, time availability, education, the economy, among others, have a direct
impact on the way in which parental roles are exercised (Cárdenas-Tapia, et al. 2022).
Also, some evaluations of family training and support programmes show that work with families
should be aimed at strengthening parental practices that have a positive impact on the overall
development of children. Therefore, this proposal arises from the need to create a space for
orientation for parents that offers the necessary support to assist in this complex task of
parenting, reaffirming the importance of early childhood in the life of an individual, since it has
been proven that the brain architecture is established in this period; therefore, what happens or
fails to happen at this stage will affect the life trajectory in health, behaviour and learning
(Babarro-Velez et al. 2023), (Sepúlveda-Romero, 2023).
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 35-44, 2024
Entornos protectores en el fortalecimiento de las prácticas parentales y desarrollo integral de niños
Protective environments in strengthening parenting practices and children's holistic development
Wendy Annunziatta Vera-Cedeño
The relevance of this proposal is evident, since as mentioned in the operational manual
Estrategia Construyendo Juntos Entornos Protectores (González-García, 2018), this type of
proposal seeks to promote a proactive attitude of parents in the process of their children's
education, motivating them to strengthen family ties and parental affection, in addition to
providing them with tools to face the challenges that daily life demands. These facts will help to
create the appropriate conditions that contribute to the comprehensive development of children
in early childhood; thus, we would have families assuming the role of the main axis and
responsible for the welfare of children who develop in their wombs, while the roles that should
be assumed in the later stages of development would be revealed (Salvo-Garrido et al. 2021).
The Centro de Educación Inicial Fiscal Augusta Ugalde Alcívar (CEIFAUA), in the city of
Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador, takes in early childhood children between the ages of 3 and 5
years, belonging to families of different types and characteristics in their cultural, social, racial
and economic spectrum; the total population is 184 children aged 4 to 5 years, whose parents
and/or caregivers are to be trained and thus strengthen their parental competencies. The
process we intend to implement is based on the theoretical foundations that consider that the
family will always be a determining factor with profound consequences in the future of all
people. In spite of the importance of the proposal, this interventionist action could encounter a
series of edges or limitations that could affect its progress, such as the scarce collaboration of
fathers, mothers or carers in the work sessions, as well as the segmentation of the family nuclei
in the middle of the training process; however, it is considered that through motivation and the
results that will become evident in the medium and short term, these limitations could be
overcome or diminished.
Based on the theoretical considerations and the weaknesses that have been raised, the current
research aims to propose a training plan for parents, focused on the promotion of quality
protective environments for the strengthening of parental practices that contribute to the integral
development of 4-year-old children at the Augusta Ugalde Alcívar Fiscal Initial Education Centre
(CEIFAUA) in the city of Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador.
The present study is a descriptive research with a non-experimental design and feasible project
modality. The objective is to propose a training plan for parents, focused on the promotion of
quality protective environments, in order to strengthen parental practices that contribute to the
integral development of 4-year-old children at the Centro de Educación Inicial Fiscal Augusta
Ugalde Alcívar (CEIFAUA) in the city of Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador.
The participants of the study will be the parents and/or caregivers of 4-year-old children enrolled
in the CEIFAUA in Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador. It is expected to have a representative sample
of at least 80% of the parents of the children belonging to this educational institution.
A comprehensive training plan will be developed covering key aspects of parenting and child
development, with a focus on promoting quality protective environments.
An awareness-raising campaign will be conducted for parents and/or caregivers of CEIFAUA's
4-year-old children, informing them about the objective and importance of the training plan.
Parents will be invited to participate voluntarily in the programme.
Face-to-face and/or virtual training sessions will be held, designed according to the needs and
preferences of the parents. These sessions will address topics such as early stimulation,
healthy eating, positive discipline and effective communication with children.
Regular follow-ups will be conducted to assess the impact of the programme on parents'
knowledge, attitudes and parenting practices. Data will be collected on participation in the
training sessions, as well as on observed changes in parenting behaviour and child
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 35-44, 2024
Entornos protectores en el fortalecimiento de las prácticas parentales y desarrollo integral de niños
Protective environments in strengthening parenting practices and children's holistic development
Wendy Annunziatta Vera-Cedeño
The proposal will be implemented respecting the ethical principles of beneficence, non-
maleficence, autonomy and justice. Informed consent will be sought from participants and
confidentiality of the data collected will be guaranteed. In addition, additional information and
resources will be provided to participants as needed to address any concerns or needs that may
arise during the course of the study.
Based on the research process developed, the parent training plan proposal is presented,
focusing on the promotion of quality protective environments:
Objectives of the proposal
To make parents aware of the importance of the early childhood stage in their children's lives.
To encourage parents and/or caregivers to improve their parenting practices and demonstrate a
proactive attitude in their children's upbringing.
Analysis of the initial situation
Family dynamics are reflected in the educational centres in different aspects that are
externalised in the educational institutions, such as the punctuality and attendance of the
children at school, the presentation of the children in terms of grooming, eating habits,
behaviour with their teachers and peers, the way they react to certain emotions and frustrations,
among others.
As a director of CEIFAUA, the aim is to contribute to the fulfilment of children's right to a
protective environment, which implies providing them with the necessary care so that they can
develop in an integral and full manner; offering them stimulating environments according to their
evolutionary stage; guaranteeing their right to receive health, education, to live in a family,
without violence, to not be discriminated against and to participate in decisions that have to do
with them and their environment; likewise, this right involves protecting them from any situation
that could put their health and physical and emotional integrity at risk.
The home, the school and the community are the environments in which children develop; for
these spaces to be protective environments, each one must share the mission of protecting
them and preventing them from risks; therefore, it is necessary to promote in families the
development of skills such as self-esteem, assertiveness, resistance to pressure and
management of emotions, as well as to strengthen habits and build healthy lifestyles, in addition
to considering the need for recreation and play.
After reviewing the skills development reports, participating in the grade meetings, listening to
the teachers and several mothers, as a director of the institution, we have obtained information
that determines that a considerable percentage of children show warning signs that indicate the
need to increase a programme for parents, with the characteristics described above, adding to
this, the interviews that have been held with mothers, who have expressed their concern about
the challenge of not knowing what attitude to take to the challenges that arise at the present
time in raising their children.
Description of strategies and activities
In order to achieve the objective of promoting quality protective environments, it is proposed to
implement in CEIFAUA, a training system for parents of children aged 4 to 5 years attending the
institution, in order to empower the parents of the 184 children of this age group in issues
related to good parenting practices, which contribute to this goal.
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 35-44, 2024
Entornos protectores en el fortalecimiento de las prácticas parentales y desarrollo integral de niños
Protective environments in strengthening parenting practices and children's holistic development
Wendy Annunziatta Vera-Cedeño
The intervention is expected to be carried out during the first months of the 2020-2021 school
year and will focus on the 4-year-old group, starting with the application of a form to parents.
The form will be applied at the time of enrolment data collection in order to determine the
general characteristics of the families. Subsequently, the positive parenting scale will be
applied. An interview with the children's parents will be carried out to obtain specific data on the
children and the family context. Finally, a checklist will be applied during the adaptation period in
order to record some skills in the living environment.
The instruments, such as the checklist, the parenting scale and the interview, will make it
possible to detect the level of relationship between parents and children. The data collected will
have a twofold purpose: 1. to find out, by means of statistics, each of the indicators surveyed,
and 2. to later draw up the report that will be presented to the educational community.
After the conclusion of the first phase, scheduled for May, meetings will be held the following
month (June) with parents or caregivers, who will first be made aware of issues related to the
importance of early childhood in children's lives, the physical, cognitive, social and emotional
development of children, protective and quality environments, and parenting practices, among
others. In subsequent meetings, scheduled for July, workshops will be held using experiential
methodology, aimed at strengthening parental competencies, which are defined as knowing
how to know how to do.
In addition, positive parenting practices promote a proactive attitude in the development of their
children, and get the most out of the time with their offspring, strengthening their parenting
practices in order to provide everything necessary for the integral development of their children
(Máiquez et al. 2019). The activities have been organised in three moments:
1. Socialisation of the proposal to teachers and collection of information on families and
2. Work with parents
3. Evaluation of the proposal
The guidelines to follow are described in table 1.
Table 1. Intervention proposal.
La modalidad de atención será la grupal, puesto que se atenderá a los
padres en grupos de 60 personas.
Padres y madres con hijos de 4 a 5 años.
La metodología para utilizarse será la experiencial, puesto que se
incentivará a la construcción compartida de conocimientos”, otorgando
a los padres la posibilidad de ser sus propios artífices en el proceso de
cambio, en base a sus propias experiencias y concepciones, siguiendo
un proceso de meditación y análisis de las prácticas parentales y su
influencia en el desarrollo integral de sus hijos, dando paso finalmente a
que cada uno de ellos se fije los compromisos personales de cambio.
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 35-44, 2024
Entornos protectores en el fortalecimiento de las prácticas parentales y desarrollo integral de niños
Protective environments in strengthening parenting practices and children's holistic development
Wendy Annunziatta Vera-Cedeño
Activities to be carried out in the first stage: socialisation and information gathering (table 2).
Table 2. Planning of activities. First moment.
Socializar la propuesta
de intervención a la
Exposición de la
intención de la
Ilustración de la
metodología a
1 hora
Determinar aspectos
generales de las
familias, mediante la
aplicación de una
ficha de matrícula a
los padres y madres
de familia
Aplicación de
ficha de matrícula
a los padres y
madres de familia
1 semanas
Identificar las
parentales de los
padres al relacionarse
con su hijo
Aplicación de la
Escala de
Positiva (e2p) a
los padres y
madres de familia
Formato de
escala de
1 semanas
Conocer aspectos
específicos de las
familias y sus
Entrevista con los
padres y madres
de familia
Formato de
2 semanas
Visualizar el desarrollo
social y emocional de
los niños
Aplicación de una
lista de cotejo de
desarrollo de
destrezas del
ámbito de
Lista de cotejo
de desarrollo de
destrezas del
ámbito de
Mes de
Actividades a realizar el segundo momento: Talleres con padres y madres (tabla 3).
Tabla 3. Segundo momento.
Sensibilizar a los
padres y madres de
familia sobre la
importancia de la
etapa de la primera
infancia en la vida de
sus hijos
Conferencia sobre los
siguientes temas:
-La importancia de la
primera infancia
-Desarrollo integral del
-Entornos protectores de
-Prácticas parentales
de audio
Autora de la
2 horas
Ofrecer a los padres
diferentes estrategias
que permitan mejorar
las prácticas de
crianza para
coadyuvar al
desarrollo integral de
los niños.
- Retroalimentación de los
temas tratados en la
sesión anterior,
recalcando la importancia
de prácticas parentales
- Reflexión y análisis
sobre las experiencias
vividas como padres y
de audio
Autora de la
2 horas
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 35-44, 2024
Entornos protectores en el fortalecimiento de las prácticas parentales y desarrollo integral de niños
Protective environments in strengthening parenting practices and children's holistic development
Wendy Annunziatta Vera-Cedeño
Activities to be carried out at the third moment: evaluation and socialisation of results (table 4).
Table 4. Third moment.
Table 5 details the human, material and financial resources required to carry out this proposal.
madres de niños de 4 a 5
- Ofrecer estrategias de
actividades familiares
cotidianas que favorezcan
el desarrollo y cómo
ofrecer espacios
Ofrecer a los padres
diferentes estrategias
que permitan mejorar
las prácticas de
crianza para
coadyuvar al
desarrollo integral de
los niños
-Aplicación Pinterest
como herramienta para
conocer actividades que
ayuden al desarrollo
integral de los niños
-Formar grupos de trabajo
para compartir
experiencias y plantear
actividades de acuerdo a
las necesidades de los
- Reflexión y análisis
- Verbalizar los objetivos
personales de cambio
de audio
Autora de la
2 horas
Evaluar la
aplicación de
los temas
-Aplicación de un
cuestionario en
línea sobre los
temas recibidos
-Aplicación de
cuestionario en
línea a docentes,
sobre los cambios
percibidos en la
actitud de los
en línea
Autora de la
de 10
de resultados
informativa con
padres y docentes
Autora de la
1 hora
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 35-44, 2024
Entornos protectores en el fortalecimiento de las prácticas parentales y desarrollo integral de niños
Protective environments in strengthening parenting practices and children's holistic development
Wendy Annunziatta Vera-Cedeño
Table 5. Materials and budget.
Precio en dólares
Material fungible
Fichas de matrícula
184 juegos de copias
Escala de parentalidad
184 juegos de copias
Formato de entrevista
184 juegos de copias
Lista de cotejo
184 juegos de copias
Material audiovisual
Material de evaluación
Instrumento de evaluación a
padres y madres de familia
184 juegos de copias
Instrumento de evaluación a
10 juegos de copias
Recursos humanos
Profesional en Desarrollo
Humano Temprano
2 profesionales
Strategies for evaluating the intervention
In order to evaluate the programme, four moments will be taken to evaluate: first, the
programme as such, whose purpose is to know the effectiveness of the proposal; second, the
implementation process, which will allow us to obtain information to improve future editions of
the programme; third, the results of the application of the programme, this evaluation will allow
us to check the validity of the programme; and, fourth, the institutionalisation of the evaluation,
to implement cyclical periods of evaluation and improvement. See Table 6.
Table 6. Criteria of the general intervention evaluation model.
Possible limitations
As this is a proposal aimed at parents, there is the probability of not having 100% acceptance in
its implementation, therefore certain limitations could arise, such as lack of cooperation at the
time of the interview, the fact that parents do not provide real data, poor attendance at the
scheduled sessions and workshops, unpunctuality; on the other hand, the limited commitment to
practice the suggestions given, showing insufficient interest in the topics covered.
In order to mitigate these limitations, we would try to encourage parents, even from the previous
school year, by carrying out a continuous and systematic promotion of the influence of families
Evaluación del programa
Fundamentación teórica
Fundamentación metodológica
Necesidades y expectativas
Evaluación del Proceso
de Implementación
Recepción del programa
Evaluación de Resultados
Institucionalización del
Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas
Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives
Vol. 4(1), 35-44, 2024
Entornos protectores en el fortalecimiento de las prácticas parentales y desarrollo integral de niños
Protective environments in strengthening parenting practices and children's holistic development
Wendy Annunziatta Vera-Cedeño
on child development, through each of the teachers, who through talks given at meetings held
with parents and in personal interviews, consider the support that parents should provide to their
children. Finally, a potential limiting factor would be the economic factor, which could be
mitigated by carrying out self-management activities, which would constitute the economic
support for the successful implementation of this intervention proposal.
The experience as a teacher at the beginning and as a director at the present time, led to the
proposal which, as has been mentioned on several occasions, seeks as a primary goal that
through good parental practices, children are offered quality protective environments that
contribute to the integral development of the children of CEIFAUA and, if possible, of other
institutions. It is worth mentioning that the activities aimed at achieving the results envisaged in
the proposal, will require a deepening in new fields of teaching, in order to implement them in a
responsible manner, and if desired, to measure the real impact on the collective, and finally, to
promote the expected change in early education in the local and national context, as a way of
complying with the postulates of the Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador.
There is no conflict of interest with persons or institutions linked to the research.
To the parents of the Centro de Educación Inicial Fiscal Augusta Ugalde Alcívar (CEIFAUA).
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Vol. 4(1), 35-44, 2024
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Protective environments in strengthening parenting practices and children's holistic development
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