Central venous line
care in intensive care unit
Cuidado de vía venosa central en la unidad
de cuidados intensivos
Yarintza Coromoto Hernández-Zambrano
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES, Ambato – Ecuador.
objective was to determine the level of knowledge about central venous line
care in the intensive care unit of the general hospital Teófilo Dávila, located
in the province of El Oro in the canton of Machala - Ecuador. The
methodological approach was quantitative; statistical data were collected in
order to study the variable from a descriptive context of the facts. The
population consisted of 14 nursing professionals. The level of knowledge is
medium in nursing professionals. With an average of 9.36 out of 20 points. It
is important to take into account that the choice of optimal sites for the
insertion of a central venous catheter is a complex process that depends on
many factors. Paying attention to nurses' workload is of utmost importance to
maintain patient safety and improve outcomes.
Descriptors: nursing; health
services; skin diseases. (Source: UNESCO Thesaurus).
El objetivo fue determinar
el nivel de conocimiento sobre el cuidado de vía venosa central en la unidad de
cuidados intensivos del hospital general Teófilo Dávila, ubicado en la
provincia de el Oro en el cantón Machala – Ecuador. El enfoque metodológico fue
cuantitativo, se recolectaron datos estadísticos con la finalidad de estudiar
la variable desde un contexto descriptivo de los hechos. La población estuvo
conformada por 14 profesionales de enfermería. El nivel de conocimiento es medio en los profesionales de enfermería. Con
una media de 9,36 de 20 puntos. Es considerable tener en cuenta la elección de
sitios óptimos para la inserción de un catéter venoso central es un proceso
complejo que depende de muchos factores. Prestar atención a la carga de
trabajo de las enfermeras es de suma importancia para mantener la seguridad de
los pacientes y mejorar los resultados.
Descriptores: servicio de enfermería; servicio de salud; enfermedad de la piel. (Fuente: Tesauro UNESCO).
The human being has been concerned about ensuring the continuity of life
and cure conditions that can cause different microorganisms, lifestyles or
everyday situations, accidents based on this need since the beginning of time
is determined the action of caring for others or themselves, what we currently know as nursing one of the professions dedicated to caring,
profession with humanistic approach that ensures care (Carr et al. 2018).
Venous catheterization has a great clinical relevance due to its wide use
which is estimated over 70% in hospitalized people and its most common
complications. Nursing practice should be based on the available evidence
because of its impact on safe patient care. Its application should not only be
encouraged in professionals, but should be initiated
in nursing education (García-Expósito et al. 2022).
The first central venous catheter was placed more than forty years ago.
From materials and placement techniques. Aubaniac in
1952, published the first work on catheters and in 1953, the radiologist
Stockholm made known the Seldinger technique after
using it to access a central line. One of the most important contributions was
made by Broviac in 1973 and Hickman in 1979 when they
discovered and used the first silicone catheters, which currently benefit from
the central venous line placement procedure, thousands of patients requiring
long and ambulatory treatments.
The objective was to determine the level of knowledge about central
venous line care in the intensive care unit of the general hospital Teófilo
Dávila, located in the province of El Oro in the canton of Machala - Ecuador.
methodological approach was quantitative, statistical data were collected in
order to study the variable from a descriptive context of the facts. A
non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive type of research was
used, because the variable was not deliberately manipulated, information was
collected in a specific time and described.
population consisted of 14 nursing professionals from the intensive care unit
of the Teófilo Dávila general hospital in the province of El Oro - Ecuador,
under inclusion and exclusion criteria, we worked with all the personnel
working in the ICU (nurses), i.e., the sample was not calculated. Within the inclusion
criteria we have:
1. The nursing staff must work exclusively in the ICU area.
2. The nursing personnel who voluntarily participate in the research.
3. Nursing personnel of both sexes.
1. Nursing personnel who do not wish to collaborate with the research.
2. Nursing personnel on vacation.
survey and questionnaire were previously validated by expert judgment for their
respective correction. A pilot test was also carried out using Cronbach's Alpha
coefficient with a value of 0.85, making it reliable for its application. This
instrument contains 16 multiple-choice questions and was executed using Google
Forms. Subsequently, its information was processed using Excel, thus obtaining
the tabulation of the data that allowed determining the level of knowledge
about central venous line care in the nursing staff of the ICU area of the
General Hospital Teófilo Dávila. Descriptive statistics
were applied to process the information collected.
study, made up of 14 health professionals, nurses from the intensive care unit,
generated the following results:
to the results 71.4% responded erroneously that the central venous line (CVC),
should be changed in 14 days without the presence of infection. Only 7.1%
responded at 7 days. The literature indicates that a CVC used for central
venous pressure control (CVP), fluid control and drug delivery require more
vigilance for the duration of 1 to 3 weeks.
solution on the indications for inserting a CVC in the questionnaire is all of
the above so no professional opted for this answer, we can observe that 85.7%
responded for patients who require various drug infusions that cannot be
administered peripherally and 14.3% responded for long-term intravenous
insertion of a CVC is indicated for drug administration, parenteral nutrition,
hemodynamic monitoring, intravenous procedures, giving access to extracorporeal
blood circuits, administration of caustic drugs or maintaining venous access
when peripheral access is inadequate.
42.9% estimated that the jugular, femoral and subclavian veins are the most
common veins for inserting a CVC, and 50% estimated that the internal jugular,
subclavian, basilic and femoral veins are the most common.
veins generally cannulated are, in this order, right and left internal jugular
veins, right and left femoral veins, and right and left subclavian veins.
of the health professionals (nurses) responded to all of the above, concluding
that care allows us to administer intravenous medications and solutions,
hemodynamic monitoring such as: central venous pressure (CVP), pulmonary
pressure, cardiac output, etc., thus minimizing cases of bacteremia infections.
2% soap solution is the first choice antiseptic. It is
observed that 42.9% of the respondents answered correctly, while 21.4% answered
for 70% alcohol and 4% Chlorhexidine.
is recommended not to perform routine cultures in the absence of signs and
symptoms of infection. Therefore, 35.7% answered correctly and 42.9% answered
none of the above and 21.4% answered all of the above.
of the nursing professionals answered all of the above being the correct
answer, while 21.4% answered Pneumothorax and 7.1% answered malpositioning.
The most frequent acute and immediate complications after implantation of a
central venous catheter are: malpositioning,
pneumothorax, air embolism, sepsis, hematoma, hemorrhage from surgical wound,
cardiac arrhythmia, etc.
can evidence that 50% chose the correct answer, while 42.9% have answered for
all of the above and 7.1% answered reddening of the skin, purulent drainage.
The literature indicates that the main signs of bacteremia are: fever,
hypotension, chills.
is preferable to maintain vigilance during the first 3 hours to prevent
complications in the placement of a CVC. We can observe that 50% of the
patients answered correctly and 50% answered only during the first hour.
total of 78.6% answered correctly, while 14.3% answered only hand washing and
7.1% adequate maintenance of the central venous line by nursing.
six basic low-cost, evidence-based interventions to reduce the rate of
CVC-associated bloodstream infections are: 1. 2. Use of 2% chlorhexidine in
soap and alcohol. 3. 3. Maximum use of protective barriers for the patient and
health care personnel. 4. Insertion of the catheter. CVC removal. Maintenance
and proper management of the venous line by nursing. 6.
The evaluation systems are important to determine
deficiencies in nursing knowledge about CVC, which can help to correct errors
in practice and improve the quality of care and patient safety (García-Expósito et al. 2022). Continuous updating on central
venous catheters, indications, management and complications is suggested to
improve praxis in the intensive care unit, with the aim that health
professionals have an adequate profile for the area of work (Cerrato-Sáez,
The use of ultrasound to guide placement, adequate
antiseptic measures, early catheter removal and active surveillance for signs
of complications are measures that have shown benefit in the in-hospital
patient with a CVC (García-Carranza et al. 2020).
On the other hand; central venous catheters (CVC)
are commonly used in critically ill patients and offer several advantages to
peripheral intravenous access. However, indwelling CVCs have the potential to
cause bloodstream infections, and the risk increases with a number of
characteristics, such as catheter choice, catheter location, insertion
technique, and catheter maintenance. Evidence-based guidelines have led to a
significant reduction in the incidence of bloodstream infections associated
with CVCs. The combination of guideline implementation and newer technologies
has the potential to further reduce morbidity and mortality from CVC-associated
infections (Bell & O'Grady, 2017).
It should be noted that central venous
line-associated bloodstream infections can be reduced by a number of
interventions including closed infusion systems, aseptic techniques during
central venous line insertion and management, early removal of central venous
lines, and appropriate site selection (Velasquez-Reyes et al. 2017). In complement,
the view of (Burke et al. 2021), posits that central line-associated
bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) occurring in intensive care units are
associated with increased morbidity and mortality, increased length of
hospitalization, and cost of care associated with treatment of CLABSIs. The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines and checklist package are
intended to provide evidence-based recommendations for the prevention of
CLABSI. Despite the promotion of central line bundle policies, there is wide
variability in compliance and infection rates in intensive care units.
It is important to heed the insight of (Chesshyre et al. 2015), who caution that, with the
advancement of pediatric medical care, the use of central venous lines has become
a fundamental part of neonatal and pediatric management. Uses include
hemodynamic monitoring and administration of life-saving treatments such as
intravenous fluids, blood products, antibiotics, chemotherapy, hemodialysis,
and total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Despite preventive measures, central
venous catheter-related infections are common, with rates of 0.5 to 2.8/1000
catheter days in children and 0.6 to 2.5/1000 catheter days in neonates.
Central line infections in children are associated with increased mortality,
longer hospital and intensive care unit length of stay, treatment
interruptions, and increased complications. Prevention is paramount, using a
variety of measures including long-term device tunneling, chlorhexidine
antisepsis, maximal sterile barriers, no-touch aseptic technique, minimal line
access, and evidence-based care bundles.
On the subject of children, (Gilbert &
Cartwright, 2021), highlight that hospital-acquired central line-associated
bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) are the leading cause of infections in the
pediatric intensive care unit. The bacteria responsible for CLABSIs are spread
by healthcare workers, parents and families and mitigated by scrupulous
attention to hand hygiene and safety prevention strategies. Maintenance bundles
are grouped elements, such as hand hygiene, standardized dressing and tubing
changes, and aseptic technique for entering a central line, effective in
preventing CLABSIs. Nurses can decrease the incidence of CLABSI by using
maintenance bundles and including parents and families in safety prevention
In another order, the study by (Lacostena-Perez
et al. 2019), 144 PICCs (Peripheral Access Catheter Centr
The study population presented a high level of
knowledge of only 7.14% and 85.71% with medium level knowledge.
The level of knowledge is medium in nursing
professionals in the ICU area of the General Hospital Teófilo Dávila. With an
average of 9.36 out of 20 points.
There are validated tools that allow measuring the
knowledge and attitudes of the nursing professional on the use of CVC, both in
primary care and in specialized care.
There is no conflict of interest with persons or
institutions related to the research.
To the Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los
Andes. UNIANDES, Ambato.
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