Shift work for healthcare personnel
Turnicidad en el personal sanitario
Gabriel Eduardo Cortez-Andrade
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES,
Ambato - Ecuador.
objective of the research was to determine the shift work of health personnel
who perform shift work at the Hospital General Docente
Ambato -Ecuador. A non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive and
correlational study is presented. A population of 307 health workers including
doctors and nurses under three modalities of shifts. Physical Function was
found that the personnel working in 24-hour rotating shifts had higher levels
of quality of life compared to the 8 and 12-hour groups, between which there
were no statistically significant differences. . Women had lower levels of
quality of life.
Descriptors: occupational
diseases; occupational
medicine; work
environment. (Source: UNESCO Thesaurus).
La investigación tuvo el objetivo de determinar la turnicidad en el
personal sanitario que realizan trabajo por turnos en el Hospital General
Docente Ambato -Ecuador. Se presenta un estudio con diseño no experimental,
transversal, descriptivo y correlacional. A una población de 307 trabajadores
de salud que incluía médicos y enfermeras bajo tres modalidades de turnos. la
Función Física se encontró que el personal que trabaja en turnos rotativos de
24 horas tuvo niveles más altos de calidad de vida en comparación a los grupos
de 8 y 12 horas, entre los cuales no existieron deferencias estadísticamente
significativas. . Las mujeres presentan niveles más bajos de calidad de vida.
Descriptores: enfermedad
profesional; medicina del trabajo; ambiente de trabajo. (Fuente: Tesauro UNESCO).
Research articles
The physiological systems of the human organism,
such as temperature, metabolism, hormonal axis, among others, are naturally
regulated during the 24-hour circadian cycle, with the purpose of favoring the
development of intense daytime activities such as cognitive performance and
alertness, while this rhythm decreases during the night to optimize physical
recovery during sleep, memory fixation, memory, etcetera, Thus, the quality and
duration of sleep play a fundamental role in reducing the risks associated with
fatigue, concentration and safety. Shift work forces the body to activate when
it tends to rest, and the endogenous system fails to adapt to these rapid
changes in activity, resulting in a depreciation in the quantity and quality of
sleep in 20 to 80% of these workers. This work rhythm results in circadian dyssynchrony, which causes a state of persistent fatigue
with multiple physical, cognitive and behavioral decompensations (Tribis-Arrospe, et al. 2020).
Under this premise, when speaking about Quality of
Life (QOL), it implies a holistic context that encompasses physical and mental
state, lifestyles, housing, workplace satisfaction, economic situation, thus
becoming one of the indicators of population well-being. The concept of quality
of life arises in the United States after World War II, with the measurement of
objective data that failed to fully explain the variation of QoL on an
individual basis, it is so that later some psychologists found that QoL not
only depends on objective factors, but is influenced by the subjective
interpretations that people have of themselves, identifying some indicators
such as satisfaction with life and happiness have greater weight than objective
factors (Cáceres-Manrique, et al. 2018).
According to (Pineda, & Quero, 2019), the
lifestyles of physicians and nurses have a substantial influence on the way
they provide health care to patients, influencing the practice of inadequate
behaviors for self-care, such as tobacco and alcohol consumption, sedentary
lifestyle, stress, mental health alterations, inadequate eating habits that
ultimately result in chronic degenerative diseases such as hypertension,
diabetes, obesity and other types of behaviors detrimental to health and
quality of life. In the study by (Sánchez-Sellero,
2021), it was found that shift work leads to low percentages of job
satisfaction and health perception, with the most affected group being night
shift workers.
When analyzing the quality of life, it is necessary
to consider psychosocial risk as one of the factors with the greatest impact,
being appropriate to mention the double presence as a risk to which the female
gender is exposed, where there is a direct relationship between the greater
number of working hours and those dedicated to housework, in the development of
consequences for the mental health of women, decanting in a group with greater
vulnerability, however, this will depend on the culture or region, although
generally, this is the pattern that is maintained in most countries
(Ruiz-López, et al. 2017). The results evidenced will allow decision making by
occupational health authorities and managers with significant changes in
working conditions and rotating schedules. The effectiveness of these will not
only mean the strengthening of workers' health, but also the probability of
improvements in the hospital service provided by the health center.
With the above, it is imperative to investigate the
effects of shift work on the quality of life of medical and nursing staff,
taking into account that, in the Hospital General Docente
Ambato, no study of these characteristics has been recorded, so it is possible
that the working population (doctors and nurses) is affected in their physical
and psychological health. In order to intervene with preventive, curative and
rehabilitation mitigation plans, it is necessary to determine the impact of
special schedules on health personnel.
Therefore, the objective of this research was to
determine the shift work of health personnel who work shifts at the Hospital
General Docente Ambato -Ecuador.
A non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study
is presented. A population of 307 health workers including doctors and nurses
under three shift modalities; the first group with a 24-hour schedule with 3
days off, the second group with 12-hour day shifts and 12-hour night shifts the
following day with 3 days off, and the third group with an ordinary 8-hour
workday; the SF-36 questionnaire was applied to measure quality of life.
The technique used for the collection of information was the survey
through the following instrument: SF-36 questionnaire, in its standard version,
which was developed by Ware, et al. at the beginning of the 1990s in the United
States, used in the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS). The SF-36 measures eight key
concepts of perceived health and well-being over the past 4 weeks: physical
functioning; role limitations due to physical health problems; bodily pain;
general health; vitality; social functioning; role limitations due to emotional
problems (Cordier, et al. 2018). See Table 1.
The SF-36 in its original language showed reliability and face,
criterion and construct validity, has been used in more than 40 countries in
the international project Quality of life Assessment IQOLA, has been documented
in more than 1000 publications, its benefit to assess the burden of disease is
described in more than 130 conditions and given its characteristics of brevity
and comprehension, it is used considerably worldwide. In the Spanish
validation, a Spanish version was obtained which showed complete coincidence
with the expected original ordinality, high equivalence with the original
values and acceptable reproducibility (Lugo, et al. 2006).
According to (Vilagut, 2005), in most studies,
Cronbach's α coefficient exceeded the minimum figure
recommended for group comparisons (Cronbach's α =
0.7) in all scales, with the exception of social role. The physical role,
emotional and physical function scales, obtained the best reliability results,
exceeding the value of 0.90 on most occasions. The pooled estimates based on a
meta-analysis of all the studies, reached Cronbach's α
coefficients ≥ 0.9 for the physical function, physical role and emotional role
The estimates for the other scales exceeded the value of 0.7. In the
study by (Aragón, et al. 2017), in which a validation of the SF-36
questionnaire was performed in three cultural contexts in Mexico, it was found
that the reliability coefficients ranged from o.94 to 0.95 for physical role,
0.68 to 0.76 for vitality and 0.92 to 0.94 in social role.
As for its response form, it is considered a Likert-type survey of 4 to
5 options and in certain questions dichotomous answers are allowed, for the
final score a range from 0 to 100 is obtained, where 0 is the worst state of
health and 100 the best, so that high scores show a better state of health than
low scores.
Table 1. SF-36
questionnaire, definition of the dimensions and meaning of the scores.
Función física |
Grado de limitación para
hacer actividades físicas tales como el autocuidado, caminar, subir
escaleras, inclinarse, coger o llevar pesos y los esfuerzos moderados e
intensos |
Muy limitado para llevar
a cabo todas las actividades físicas, incluido bañarse o ducharse, debido a
la salud |
Lleva a cabo todo tipo de
actividades físicas incluidas las más vigorosas sin ninguna limitación debida
a la salud |
Rol Físico |
Grado en que la salud
física interfiere en el trabajo y otras actividades diarias incluyendo
rendimiento menor que el deseado, limitación en el tipo de actividades
realizadas o dificultad en la realización de actividades |
Problemas con el trabajo
u otras actividades diarias debido a la salud física |
Ningún problema con el
trabajo u otras actividades diarias debido a la salud física |
Rol Emocional |
Grado en que los
problemas emocionales interfieren en el trabajo u otras actividades diarias |
Problemas con el trabajo
y otras actividades diarias debido a problemas emocionales |
Ningún problema con el
trabajo y otras actividades diarias debido a problemas emocionales |
Vitalidad |
Sentimiento de energía y
vitalidad, frente al sentimiento de cansancio y agotamiento |
siente cansado y exhausto todo el tiempo |
Se siente muy dinámico y lleno de energía todo el
tiempo |
Salud Mental |
Salud mental general,
incluyendo depresión, ansiedad, control de la conducta o bienestar general |
Sentimiento de angustia y
depresión durante todo el tiempo |
Sentimiento de felicidad,
tranquilidad y calma durante todo el tiempo |
Función social |
Grado en que los
problemas de salud física o emocional interfieren en la vida social habitual |
Interferencia extrema y
muy frecuente con las actividades sociales normales, debido a problemas
físicos o emocionales |
Lleva a cabo actividades
sociales normales sin ninguna interferencia debido a problemas físicos o
emocionales |
Dolor Corporal |
Intensidad del dolor y su
efecto en el trabajo habitual, tanto fuera de casa como en el hogar |
Dolor muy intenso y extremadamente
limitante |
Ningún dolor ni
limitaciones debidas a él |
Salud General |
Valoración personal de la
salud que incluye la salud actual, las perspectivas de salud en el futuro y
la resistencia a enfermar |
Evalúa como mala la
propia salud y cree posible que empeore |
Evalúa la propia salud
como excelente |
Source: Adapted from (López-Catalán, et al.
With reference to the statistical tests, two
analyses were performed: descriptive and correlational. In the first case, the
frequencies and percentages of the variables were calculated, as well as the
measures of central tendency and dispersion of the numerical variables through
a flat base in the SPSS V25 program.
In order to demonstrate whether the quality of
life dimensions showed differences among workers, the scores obtained in the
instrument were compared according to gender and workday. Non-parametric tests
were chosen for the comparative analysis of the data, since
it was not possible to assume the hypothesis of normality according to
Smirnov's Kolmogorov statistical test. For the dichotomous variable gender, the
Mann Whitney test was used and for the polytomous variable working day (8, 12
and 24 hours), the Kruskall-Wallis test was used. After the analysis of the
samples, the recognition of the groups where significant differences were
identified was specified, for which the Mann-Whitney U test was applied in
pairs as a post hoc procedure.
The level of significance accepted for the
studies for all tests was 5%. The analysis process was performed with the
Minitab statistical package.
Of the 307 health professionals who participated in this study,
150 were physicians and 157 were nursing graduates, the average age was 32.06 years and the majority were female (76.22%) and single
(53.42%). Regarding work schedules, 31 (10.1%) participants worked regular
8-hour shifts, 190 (61.89%) worked 12-hour rotating shifts and 86 (28.01%)
worked 24-hour shifts.
The 8 domains assessed by the SF-36 scale to evaluate quality of
life are presented. The 3 work schedules were compared, showing the lowest
levels in the 8-hour workday in the dimensions of Body Pain (61.94), Vitality
(62.42), Emotional Role (64.52) and General Health (65.8); for the rest of the
domains in general, the mean was higher than 70 in the different work
modalities. The physical function and role dimensions in the 24-hour rotating
schedule obtained the highest scores with 92.93 and 88.79 respectively. By applying the Kruskall-Wallis statistical
test, it was determined whether there were differences between the different
groups of work schedules, finding differences in the dimensions of Physical
Function, Emotional Role, Pain and General Health.
In the
physical function, there were statistically significant differences between
groups (p=0.017), so the Mann Whitney U post hoc test was used to prove that
the 24-hour schedule differs from the 12-hour schedule; the same was done with
the Emotional Role, which indicated a difference between the different
schedules (p=0.040), which was confirmed with the post hoc test that showed a
statistically significant difference between the 8-hour workers and the other
two work shifts. For the Body Pain domain, differences were also found between
the 3 study groups, with a value of p=0.028, showing in the Mann Whitney test
that the results of the 8-hour schedule were statistically different from the
other two schedules. Finally, in the perception of General Health, differences
were found between the 12 and 24-hour workday, with a P value of 0.027.
Table 2. Statistical
analysis of the SF-36 questionnaire by workday.
12 HORAS |
24 HORAS |
Wallis |
Mann Whitney |
= 31 ) |
= 189 ) |
= 87 ) |
< 0,05 |
X(DS) |
X(DS) |
X(DS) |
física |
(15,06) |
(16,74) |
(9,62) |
0,017 |
0,07 |
0,006 |
0,91 |
Físico |
(33,88) |
(24,78) |
(26,35) |
88 |
Emocional |
(42,98) |
(33,41) |
(37,74) |
0,040 |
0,047 |
0,74 |
0,011 |
Vitalidad |
(18,92) |
(18,24) |
(19,23) |
0,363 |
Mental |
(18,11) |
(16,96) |
(20,13) |
0,496 |
Social |
(21,08) |
(19,22) |
(22,17) |
0,519 |
Dolor |
(26,57) |
(22,28) |
(25,02) |
0,028 |
0,014 |
0,164 |
0,039 |
General |
(19,45) |
(15,14) |
(16,00) |
0,043 |
0,063 |
0,027 |
0,37 |
Source: Own
Table 2, Physical Function, it was found that personnel working 24-hour
rotating shifts had higher levels of quality of life compared to the 8- and
12-hour groups, between which there were no statistically significant
differences. Regarding the domains of Emotional Role and Pain, the 8-hour shift
was the lowest rated, compared to the 12 and 24-hour shifts, between which no
differences were found. Finally, in the analysis of General Health, the highest
levels of quality of life are maintained in the group of 24-hour workers,
compared with the 8- and 12-hour workers who had lower scores, with no
differences found between the latter two.
Table 3. Difference in quality
of life by gender.
Mann-Whitney |
(n = 73 ) |
(n = 234 ) |
P < 0,05 |
X(DS) |
X(DS) |
Función física |
93,42 (11,36) |
87,33 (15,78) |
0,00 |
Rol Físico |
86,64 (26,71) |
88,78 (26,10) |
0,382 |
Rol Emocional |
84,47 (35,17) |
77,78 (36,15) |
0,036 |
Vitalidad |
68,29 (19,12) |
67,16 (18,48) |
0,618 |
Salud Mental |
77,66 (17,90) |
76,05 (18,09) |
0,855 |
Función Social |
78,22 (19,88) |
79,32 (20,38) |
0,555 |
Dolor |
75,07 (21,71) |
71,19 (24,30) |
0,341 |
Salud General |
71,78 (16,04) |
67,95 (15,84) |
0,124 |
Source: Own
In Table 3, it was found that men obtained
higher scores in most of the domains compared to women, however, only in the
dimensions of Physical Function and Emotional Role, statistically significant
differences were found between both groups, with the male gender maintaining
the most optimistic values.
The dimension of
General Health, assesses the personal perception of current health and the
perspective of this in the future, that is, if the person believes that their
health status will worsen over time, in this study low scores were found in
comparison with the other domains, being the 8 and 12 hour shifts the least
scored, showing statistically significant differences when compared with the 24
hour shift workers, this finding is supported by the results obtained in the
study of (Blanco, et al. 2014), where 1700 workers from different labor sectors
in Havana were evaluated, finding that healthcare personnel had the lowest
levels in the General Health dimension. While it is true that the scores
obtained remain above an average of 50, it is imperative to take into account
that, according to the questionnaire inquiry, workers consider that their
health will worsen, which supports the importance of recognition and periodic
measurement of quality of life as a measure to procure and preserve the health
of staff, managing to identify the breaking points that need monitoring and
timely intervention.
The lowest levels
were recorded in the dimensions of Body Pain, Vitality, Pain and Emotional
Role, with scores that do not exceed the mean of 65, when comparing these
figures with the study of (López-Catalán, et al. 2019), where when analyzing
the quality of life in an Ecuadorian population in the city of Cuenca, in the
group of people with higher education, they obtained scores much higher than
those of this study, being the lowest of 71 in the Vitality dimension, which
indicates an evident gap between both populations, assuming a considerable
affectation of the quality of life in the health personnel who participated in
this research.
In relation to
gender, men presented higher scores than women, finding statistically
significant differences in the dimensions of Physical Function and Emotional
Role, data that are congruent with the research of (López-Catalán, et al.
2019), where in their analysis they evidence the same trend in these two
groups, attributing these results to sociocultural factors that indicate that
household chores performed by women could influence a lower availability of
time and resources for self-care.
From the results obtained it
can be concluded that workers with an ordinary 8-hour workday show
statistically significant differences with the lowest quality of life scores in
the domains of Physical Function, Emotional Role, Pain and General Health, being
the workers who perform 24-hour shifts, who reached the highest scores,
obtaining contradictory findings to the aforementioned studies that indicate
the repercussion that shift work has on physical and mental health, being
imperative to carry out a follow-up and a new research of explanatory type that
allows to identify the causes or aggravating factors that influence the workers
of an ordinary 8-hour workday; At the same time, it is necessary to implement
preventive measures such as the rotation of the personnel's working hours with
a subsequent evaluation to verify the effectiveness of the intervention. Women
present lower levels of quality of life, finding statistically significant
differences in the dimensions of Physical Function and Emotional Role, which
may be attributable to the theory of double presence that indicates the
negative effect on physical and mental health of the workload associated with
hours of unpaid housework.
There is no conflict of interest with persons or
institutions related to the research.
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