Musculoskeletal disorders in hospital workers
Trastornos musculo
esqueléticos en trabajadores hospitalarios
Ana María Matute-Herrera
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes. UNIANDES,
Ambato – Ecuador
objective of the research is to analyze musculoskeletal disorders in hospital
workers of the administrative area of the Hospital General Docente
Ambato - Ecuador. Methodologically it was descriptive with a non-experimental
design. The study population consisted of a group of 100 professionals.
Musculoskeletal disorders are prevalent in the administrative staff of the
Hospital General Docente Ambato, the most affected
area was the neck where 42% reported discomfort, pain or discomfort that
occurred mainly in the staff working in the Quality service (12%), Statistics
(13%), Human Resources (4%) and TICS (2%). Most of the administrative personnel
perceive that the tasks they perform during their daily work are one of the
main causes of the MSDs they present, especially due to repetitive movements
and workload, so it would be important and interesting to take measures in
these areas.
Descriptors: anatomy; neurology; occupational
medicine. (Source: UNESCO Thesaurus).
En consideración el objetivo de la investigación es analizar los trastornos musculo esqueléticos en trabajadores
hospitalarios del área administrativa del Hospital General
Docente Ambato – Ecuador. Metodológicamente fue descriptiva con diseño no
experimental. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por un grupo de 100
profesionales. Los
trastornos musculoesqueléticos son prevalentes en el personal administrativo
del Hospital General Docente Ambato, la zona más afectada fue el cuello donde
el 42% reportó molestia, dolor o disconfort que se presentó principalmente en
el personal que labora en el servicio de Calidad (12%), Estadística (13%),
Talento Humano (4%) y TICS (2%). La mayor parte del personal administrativo
percibe que las tareas que realiza durante su trabajo diario es una de las
principales causas de los TME que presentan, sobre todo debido a los
movimientos repetitivos y a la carga de trabajo por lo que sería importante e
interesante tomar medidas en estas áreas.
Descriptores: anatomía; neurología; medicina del trabajo. (Fuente:
Tesauro UNESCO).
Research articles
Musculoskeletal disorders are inflammatory or
degenerative alterations suffered by body structures caused or aggravated by
work and the effects of their environment such as exertion or inadequate
postures. Therefore; the present article focuses on musculoskeletal disorders
that can be defined as injuries or physical and functional alterations of the
locomotor apparatus (muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, joints) and within
the labor field are due to repeated exposure to loads over a prolonged period
of time affecting mainly the back, neck, shoulders and extremities with
symptomatology such as: pain, inflammation, loss of strength and functional
limitation that prevents the normal performance of daily living and
instrumental activities (Paredes-Rizo, & Vázquez-Ubago,
In recent years, there has been a large increase in
this type of disorders in the working population due to biomechanical and
organizational risk factors that have come to set off alarms at the
occupational and public health level due to their consequences that result in a
decrease in quality of life due to the pain and suffering they cause, as well
as the loss of work and economic capacity (Fernández-González, et al., 2014).
Hence, currently musculoskeletal disorders
constitute one of the most common problems related to diseases at work because
they affect millions of workers in all productive sectors and despite the fact
that the injury may go unnoticed or be ignored for a certain period of time,
the symptoms can progress and become chronic with permanent and disabling
injuries or pathologies (Ríos, 2018). The severity of this health problem has
led several authors to address musculoskeletal disorders, so for example in the
study of (Balderas-López, et al. 2019), it is mentioned that these disorders
represent about 30% of occupational morbidity and significantly affect the
quality of life workers.
For (Márquez-Gómez, 2015), depending on the event
that causes it, musculoskeletal disorders can be divided into two categories:
those caused by acute trauma (slips, falls) and those caused by repetitive
exposure (develops gradually over weeks, months, years) as a result of repeated
stress on an area which are called cumulative traumatic disorders. The
diversity of factors involved in musculoskeletal disorders is due to the fact
that there is a latency period between the onset of symptoms caused by the
activity performed by the worker and their respective diagnosis, and also
because the habits, demands and work areas are diverse, which makes it difficult
to link the disease with a particular type of activity or work (Zamora-Chávez,
et al. 2020).
In consideration of the above, the objective of
analyzing musculoskeletal disorders in hospital workers in the administrative
area of the Hospital General Docente Ambato - Ecuador
is presented.
Methodologically, the research was descriptive with
a non-experimental design with the intention of describing the subject of the
The study population consisted of a group of 100
professionals from the administrative area of this institution. The selection
of the sample was intentional and was based on the researcher's criteria.
Administrative professionals of both genders, with
at least 6 months of service and who signed the informed consent forms, were
included and all those who did not provide the necessary information for the
research were excluded.
The Nordic Questionnaire was used as a data
collection technique, which allows the detection of musculoskeletal symptoms
such as pain, discomfort, numbness or tingling through two main sections:
First: it covers a group of questions that identify
the areas of the body where the symptoms occur for this it has a body map where
the anatomical sites (neck, shoulders, back, elbows, wrists, hands, hips,
thighs, knees, ankles, feet) where these symptoms are located are identified.
The second section contains questions related to the
functional impact of the symptoms reported in the first part regarding the
presence of pain, discomfort, discomfort at some time during the last 12
months. This section also includes three specific questionnaires, each one
covering a different segment (low back, neck and shoulders) in which the
symptoms, their functional impact, whether there has been a need to change
tasks or whether assistance from a health professional has been required.
The Nordic Questionnaire was self-administered and
once the questionnaires were reviewed, the data were entered into the IBM SPSS
V 25 statistical analysis software, where a database was created to later
perform a descriptive analysis of the data based on absolute and relative
frequency tables.
Regarding gender, it was observed that in the administrative area of the
Hospital General Docente Ambato there is a
predominance of female personnel over male personnel, since about 57% were women
and 43% men, due to the incorporation of Ecuadorian women into the labor force
approximately three decades ago, so that there is a higher incidence of female
labor, as well as a higher frequency of MSDs.
In terms of age, 37% of the administrative personnel were between 31 and
40 years old, 30% between 25 and 30 years old, another 30% between 41 and 50
years old and finally 3% were over 51 years old. Based on these data, it can be
assumed that most of the administrative staff is under 40 years of age, that
is, they are young staff currently working at the General Teaching Hospital
Ambato, which is favorable to the institution due to the constant training they
receive and also because it helps to avoid constant staff rotations. Despite
being a young staff, they do not know the proper postures they should adopt
during their working hours, which makes them more prone to injuries.
Twenty-two percent of the administrative personnel at the Hospital
General Docente Ambato work in the area of
Statistics, 21% in the Finance Department, 15% in Quality, 10% in Maintenance,
6% in Customer Service, 6% in Human Resources, 5% in Teaching, 4% in Public
Procurement, 4% in Management, 3% in Occupational Safety, and 2% in
Communication and ICTs. As a second level health unit, statistical data and
medical records management is a fundamental axis, which is why the statistics
team represents the highest percentage working at the Hospital General Docente Ambato, followed by the Finance Department, which
prepares annual and monthly budgets and therefore requires specialized
personnel in this area to fully perform its functions.
Forty-four percent of the administrative personnel at the Hospital
General Docente Ambato have been working in the same
job for about 5 years, 34% for about 3 years, 18% for about 10 years, and only
4% for 1 year. Being a young population, the majority of our personnel have
been working for between 3 and 5 years, so we can observe a low turnover of
workers in the administrative area.
Seventy-six percent of the administrative staff of the Hospital General Docente Ambato works about 40 hours per week, that is, 8
hours per day from Monday to Friday, 14% work 48 hours because the statistics
department works shifts to be able to attend to the entire population in
general, 8% work 44 hours and 2% work about 30 hours per week. Since the
administrative personnel work daily during the workday, they keep performing
repetitive movements, which predisposes them to suffer musculoskeletal
Forty-two percent of the administrative personnel of the Hospital
General Docente Ambato admit having had problems such
as pain, discomfort or discomfort with the neck, while 39% with the lumbar
region and 19% with the shoulders, all this due to the routine activities they
perform since most of them work with computers, so it is evident that the main
affectation is in the neck as can be seen in the results, in addition, these
personnel spend the whole day at a single work site performing repetitive
movements without taking active breaks, which does not favor the health of the
Musculoskeletal symptomatology in the neck region was more frequent in
the personnel working in Quality (12%), Statistics (13%), Human Resources (4%)
and TICS (2%), due to the fact that these departments work 8 hours a day with
the help of a computer, which favors the presentation of such discomfort. The
shoulder region was mostly affected in the administrative personnel of the
Financial area (12%0) and Management (4%). Finally, the lumbar region affected
the personnel in charge of Customer Service (4%), Public Procurement (4%),
Communication (2%), Teaching (5%), Maintenance (9%) and Occupational Safety
(3%), due to the bad position adopted when performing daily tasks for 8 hours a
According to 83% of the administrative personnel of
the Hospital General Docente Ambato, musculoskeletal
symptoms have not prevented them from doing their normal work at home or away
from home due to these discomforts during the last 12 months, while 17% state
that they have had these impediments due to the discomfort, because despite the
implementation of active breaks in the institution not everyone complies with
them, which favors the presentation of musculoskeletal symptoms, however, there
is no prolonged absenteeism due to these symptoms.
The need for hospitalization due to musculoskeletal
symptomatology was not reported in areas such as the neck and shoulders, since
all of them assume that it was not necessary, however, when analyzing the
lumbar area, around 6% did require it, taking into account that having an
inadequate position during long working days may influence in presenting such
discomfort, which was not so representative.
Most of the administrative personnel have not had to
change jobs or duties due to their musculoskeletal problems, this was much more
evident in the neck and shoulder region; however, when analyzing the lumbar
region, a significant percentage (14%) did have to do so due to the discomfort
they presented, which was of concern to us since these professionals had to
change their activities so that they could continue working. All this is mainly
due to the lack of knowledge of the personnel about proper positions, in
addition to not having the necessary equipment to prevent such conditions.
The problems in the neck area suffered by the
administrative personnel have prevailed for between 1 and 7 days during the
last 12 months according to (16%), in the case of the shoulders the majority
(13%) reported a total time of more than 30 days and finally in the case of the
lumbar region 22% reported a duration of more than 30 days, this being the one
with the highest incidence mainly due to the poor position of the workers in
long working hours, and the poor adherence to the active breaks implemented.
According to 36% of the administrative personnel who
suffer from neck problems, this discomfort has not caused them to reduce their
activity in the last 12 months, while in the case of the shoulders, 7% had to
do so, as well as in those with lumbar symptomatology where the majority (27%)
had to change their work and leisure activities, being an administrative area,
most of the personnel remain more than 8 hours working with a computer in
inadequate positions and without taking active breaks, which is evident in the
results of our research.
The total time that musculoskeletal disorders have
prevailed during the last 12 months in the population affected by problems in
the neck area was more than 30 days (23%), in the case of the shoulder area it
was 8 to 30 days (9%) and in the lumbar region between 8 and 30 days (20%).
The administrative personnel reported not having
been seen by a physician, physiotherapist or other professional for the neck
problem (35%) while 7% did. In the case of the shoulder area, 15% also did not
receive professional care and only 4% did. However, in the lumbar area, the
majority, i.e. 20%, mentioned having received assistance and 19% did not. These
results are a consequence of the bad positions and the lack of knowledge of the
personnel in adopting adequate postures to perform their work, which is a
serious problem for the institution due to the job rotations that must be
performed, as well as the hours of leave for medical attention that must be
granted to professionals who present such discomfort.
All of the administrative personnel of the Hospital
General Docente Ambato mentioned having had
musculoskeletal problems at some time in the last 7 days, in the case of the
neck area 32% reported having had them due to constant and repetitive work at
the computer and 10% did not, in the case of the shoulders 14% did and 5% did
not and finally in the lumbar area 26% admitted their presence because it is a
chronic pathology and most of the workers reported lumbar discomfort after
several days and when maintaining inadequate positions and 13% did not.
disorders represent considerable costs and impact on quality of life because
they produce discomfort, pain and limitations in the affected working
population, which directly affects their productivity, quality of work, quality
of life and life satisfaction. In the present investigation it was reported
that all the administrative personnel of the Hospital General Docente Ambato presented at least one musculoskeletal
problem, the most prevalent being in the neck area (42%) followed by the lumbar
region (39%). These results agree with those reported in the study of (Celik,
et al. 2018), who evidenced that office workers and clerks complained more
frequently of pain in the lumbar (55.1%), neck (52.5%) and back (53%).
it can be assumed that musculoskeletal disorders in the neck area are prevalent
in administrative personnel due to the fact that their daily work is performed
in a static posture, which is why this discomfort is persistent, since
according to the present investigation, all the administrative personnel of the
Hospital General Docente Ambato mentioned having had
this type of musculoskeletal problem at some time in the last 7 days, with a
duration of between 1 and 7 days during the last 12 months, This is serious
because when it is recurrent it can cause chronic pathologies such as
inflammation of the tendons of the muscles that limit mobility, dexterity and
functional capabilities, therefore the worker can see reduced their ability to
work and participate in social life, in turn low productivity for the
institution in addition to absenteeism, for this reason it is very important to
publicize active breaks in order to reduce the suffering of these painful
discomforts; being in agreement with the study of (Lee, et al. 2021), where significant
differences were found between groups for pain intensity in neck, shoulder,
upper back and wrist/hand (p<0.05),
this sense; (García-Salirrosas, & Sánchez-Poma,
2020), nod these results because in their research they found that of the
regions reported with the longest duration of discomfort were in the neck with
a duration of 1-7 days (20.91%). In this context, it should be taken into
account that musculoskeletal symptoms vary from mild discomfort and pain to a
decrease or loss of muscle strength that leads to functional limitation of the
affected segment. In this particular case, suffering from musculoskeletal
disorders in the neck region did not lead to a reduction in activity in the
last 12 months (36%), while in the case of the shoulders 7% had to do so, as
well as in those with lumbar symptomatology where the majority (27%) had to
change their work and leisure activities.
addition, it should be considered that the affectation of the lumbar region led
those who suffer from it to seek professional attention and even 6% required
hospitalization, taking into account that our population is young, these
discomforts may be due to inexperience and lack of knowledge in adequate work
positions, which causes them to be injured when performing their activities in
a repetitive and inadequate manner. The results found in our research mean that
most of the administrative staff of the Hospital General Docente
Ambato has been performing daily work exposed to various ergonomic and
organizational risks which affect health conditions negatively, independent of
age and sex; being concomitant with the study of (Mohammadipour, et al. 2018),
where it is evidenced that the highest prevalence rates of MSDs occurred in the
lumbar area (72.4%) and neck (55.2).
disorders are prevalent in the administrative staff of the Hospital General Docente Ambato, the most affected area was the neck where
42% reported discomfort, pain or discomfort that occurred mainly in the staff
working in the Quality service (12%), Statistics (13%), Human Resources (4%)
and ICT (2%). Most of the administrative personnel perceive that the tasks they
perform during their daily work is one of the main causes of the MSDs they
present, especially due to repetitive movements and workload, so it would be
important and interesting to take measures in these areas. There is an imminent
need to make improvements in the area of ergonomic training for all
administrative personnel in order to adopt adequate working postures in the
daily tasks they perform.
There is no conflict of interest with persons
or institutions linked to the research.
Universidad Regional Autónoma de Los Andes.
UNIANDES, Ambato - Ecuador.
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