Research literacy as a current educational need in higher education [La alfabetización en investigación como necesidad educativa actual en educación superior]


  • Guadalupe Dolores Salazar-Cedeño Universidad de Guayaquil, Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador
  • Mainer Gregorio Alcívar-Olvera Universidad de Guayaquil, Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador
  • Zila Isabel Esteves-Fajardo Universidad de Guayaquil, Guayaquil, Guayas, Ecuador



research, fundamental research, interdisciplinary research


The aim is to analyse the importance of research literacy as a current educational need in higher education. This study was based on a descriptive documentary methodology with a bibliographic design. The inclusion criteria were oriented towards key terms such as "research", "literacy" and "educational curriculum". The population analysed consisted of 15 articles selected from various fields of knowledge. Research literacy in higher education is essential for improving the quality of education. It not only enables students to acquire a higher level of knowledge, but also promotes skills such as independent thinking, problem solving and effective communication.


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How to Cite

Salazar-Cedeño, G. D. ., Alcívar-Olvera, M. G. ., & Esteves-Fajardo, Z. I. . (2024). Research literacy as a current educational need in higher education [La alfabetización en investigación como necesidad educativa actual en educación superior]. Multidisciplinary Journal Investigative Perspectives/Revista Multidisciplinaria Perspectivas Investigativas, 4(2), 28–34.